James Pyles reviewed our new book at Certforums.co.uk recently. James calls our book a teaching tool, not an artist’s guide, and says it could be used as a university textbook.
“King’s book reads a little like a marriage manual that blows past the honeymoon and talks about how to make a relationship last a lifetime. In other words, it’s not romantic, but it’s “real.” To give you an example, Part I is called “Search Engine Marketing Optimization”. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about getting Google to rank your site very, very high when someone does a search related to your business. Yeah, that’s an amazing oversimplification on my part, but rest assured, King goes into exquisite detail on the matter. In fact, if I were teaching a class on the business aspects of the web, King’s book would be my textbook. It’s written like one and, although not stated in the Preface, I suspect that venues from the corporate training room to the university classroom are also places where this book could find a readership.”
For the full review see:
Website Optimization book review.